Every Saturday… Play the Wine Game!

Every Saturday… Play the Wine Game!

Every Saturday… Play the Wine Game!

Starting Saturday, October 20th

Make a dinner reservation and come play with Sandy, the co-proprietor of the Epicurean! Playing the Wine Game gives you the opportunity to reduce the cost of the first bottle of wine purchased by up to 50%, if you can guess in a Blind Tasting the varietal (grape) and three other key differentiators… you win!

Make a reservation to play and Sandy will give one guest at your table a blind tasting of a wine of his choice.

Guess the Varietal and earn 10% off a bottle of wine.
Guess the Varietal & Country of Origin and earn 20% off.
Guess the Varietal, Country & Region and earn 30% off.
Guess the Varietal, Country, Region & Winemaker/Producer, and earn a 50% off.

Discount will be applied to the first bottle of wine that was ordered with dinner.